I just read a fantastic interview with Allison Fishman, co-host of Lifetime’s Cook Yourself Thin and author of You Can Trust a Skinny Cook. In 5 Tips to Keep Your Salads Slimming, Fishman offers up some great ideas for not only keeping your summer salads from becoming vein cloggers, but also shares a few tips on keeping your other recipes healthy, flavorful and satisfying as well.
Here’s what got my attention…
• Give your recipes some punch with strong flavors. For most of us, we’ll enjoy what we eat if we can actually taste it. You can do this without adding major calories with fresh herbs, small amounts of flavorful cheeses like Peccorino Romono or Parmesano Reggiano, fresh ginger, anchovies, etc.
• Swap handfuls of empty calorie crunch like croutons for healthy alternatives like sunflower seeds. You’ll get the savory crunch you’re looking for along with some of the nutrients you need.
• Don’t deprive. Revise! Fishman talks about unsuccessfully trying over and over again to enjoy low fat Cesar salad dressing. She ultimately determined she was better off to use a small amount of something she enjoyed than giving it up completely. If you’re not satisfied with what you’re eating, you’ll keep searching, snacking, grazing, until you are.
• Don’t burn yourself out cooking. If cooking isn’t your passion, double recipes when you do cook so you’ll leftovers or let someone else cook a few nights a week.
Clearly, healthy eating has evolved from our mom’s carrots/cottage cheese/tuna diet. Sticking with an eating plan that’s too limited more often than not will fail over time. Follow Fishman’s advice and make changes that count and you’ll be happy, healthy and satisfied!
If you’ve got any food tips that helped you stick with your diet, pass ‘em my way. You and your tip may show up in a future post!